

We are aiming to gain a regular attendance of 97%, and maintain this if not improve on it. 

As excellent attendance is one of our main priorities at the school, we have taken steps to tackle the issue of non-attendance and have put in place a school strategy. This includes an attendance bus, logging of attendance and working in partnership to monitor and when necessary attend the home of persistent none attendees. We are introducing a half-termly newsletter to keep parents up dated on attendance issues.

There is positive reinforcement of attendance through various child-focussed and parent-focussed support and challenge. Please see this illustrated in the table and flow chart below. 

School Day

The school day starts at 8.40am. The gate at the front of school will open at 8.40am so please make sure your children are ready to come into school and start their learning promptly. The gate will close at 8.45am. Children arriving after this time will need to come through the school office and will be marked as late.

The school day ends at 3.10pm. The gate at the front of school will open at 3.10pm. Please make sure the office knows who has permission to collect your children.

Children have a 15 minute break at 10.55am and then break for a 45 minute lunch at 12.30pm

There are 3 assemblies per week, one to start our week on a Monday morning, a class assembly on a Wednesday morning and a GOLD celebration assembly on a Friday afternoon. Parents are invited to Wednesday class assemblies. Please collect an events calendar from the school office if you don't already have one. These are sent out at the beginning of each year and contain all school events including which class assembly takes place on which dates.

Below are the school-level processes that we employ to support improved attendance and challenge poor attendance.


School uses the following two images with children and parents to share consistent and important messages about attendance.


This is school's current attendance policy
