Parents and Carers

Hello to all our wonderful Seacroft Grange Parents and Carers.

Mrs Susan Hill has lots of opportunities for parents - to develop their children and themselves e.g. gardening, adult literacy and numeracy, crafts, story sacks etc. Please contact her on 0113 2605385

Keeping your children safe

Keeping your children safe online is massively important. We have had to support children who have experienced inappropriate contact from unknown people via social media. Please click here to access a support document. Should you wish to discuss any of this further then please come into school to speak with Mr Florey, Mrs Cloke, Miss Johnson or Ms Wilson. 

ONLINE GAMING - please click here to access parental guides to online gaming.

Do you have a child with a Special Educational Need or Disability?

Check out the information here

Do you have  frustrated child?

Some of you come to talk to us about how your children become overly frustrated. Click this link to read some top tips on how to teach Frustration Tolerance to your children.