Our vision is to develop children’s curiosity and to ensure that ALL children have the knowledge and skills to investigate, reflect and talk like a scientist.
- For children to have opportunities to ask questions about the world around them and to think creatively about how to find answers
- For children to be exposed to different types of scientific enquiry and to instil them with the confidence to identify the effectiveness of utilising different investigative strategies
- To build inquisitive young scientists who speak passionately about different areas of their learning and make reflective connections
- To develop children’s substantive and disciplinary knowledge of science by ensuring a focus on retrieval
- Leaders of learning ensure that teaching builds upon prior knowledge and that previous steps are secure and understood before moving forward.
- Carefully planned opportunities for retrieval of prior learning are built into the beginning of each lesson.
- Teachers understand the importance of key scientific language and the progression of this. Language is taught and modelled explicitly.
- Teachers make the enquiry type being utilised in each learning block explicit to children and they understand the significance of this.
- Enquiry skills are regularly referred to and their use is modelled by leaders of learning. Children are expected to use these skills in every lesson.
- Children have a range of practical and purposeful scientific opportunities provided to them and, when appropriate, the freedom to investigate independently.
- Teachers provide children with problems that allow children to apply their knowledge to a new context which requires deeper thinking and problem solving.
- Teachers utilise fiction and non-fiction texts as drivers of learning. They expose children to a range of appropriate texts both within discrete science lessons and woven into the wider curriculum.
- Children will be able to confidently explain different types of scientific enquiry and articulate their different uses.
- Children will be able to recall key facts from their learning journey.
- Children will be able to apply their learning in a wide range of contexts and make appropriate connections across the wider curriculum.
- Books will show that children have been on a coherent journey of learning as sequenced by knowledge organisers and that the Golden Cogs have been utilised within lessons.
- Teaching will show high quality modelling and meta-talk. This will equip children with the confidence to talk like a scientist.
Promoting an enthusiasm for reading is central to everything that we do at SGPS. As such, each science topic is mapped out to have two key texts – one fiction and one non-fiction. These books will be promoted in reading corners and utilised in science lessons (and in the wider curriculum) to encourage deeper learning. A link to our book spine can be found below.

Example book spine - Year 5