Languages (Spanish)

Seacroft Grange uses the CAM MAT resources from to support planning.

Only Key Stage 2 classes receive Spanish teaching

Medium term planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here



  • For children to gain an appreciation of the importance of learning another language
  • For children to enjoy the skill of learning another language
  • For children to understand the customs and culture of another country
  • For children to use a range of skills to communicate in a different language


  • Teachers ensure that teaching builds upon prior knowledge (this is mapped on the curriculum front page of our website)
  • Carefully planned opportunities for retrieval of prior learning are built into each lesson.
  • Children are given the opportunity to practice pronunciation at the beginning of each session
  • Children are exposed to and expected to develop the other disciplines of learning a language (listening, speaking, reading and vocabulary development including writing) across a lesson and across a series of lessons
  • Teachers make the skill being utilised in each lesson explicit to children and they understand the significance of this.


  • Children will be able to confidently use the different skills being taught to communicate effectively in another language
  • Children will be excited and ready to continue their language learning at high school

Pronunciation (pronunciar)

Listening (escuchar)

Speaking (hablar)

Reading (leer)

Vocabulary (vocabulario)

Children will become used to the following symbols (above) which will guide children through the activities that they complete as they learn.

Languages (Spanish)

Seacroft Grange uses the CAM MAT resources from to support planning.

Only Key Stage 2 classes receive Spanish teaching

Medium term planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here



  • For children to gain an appreciation of the importance of learning another language
  • For children to enjoy the skill of learning another language
  • For children to understand the customs and culture of another country
  • For children to use a range of skills to communicate in a different language


  • Teachers ensure that teaching builds upon prior knowledge (this is mapped on the curriculum front page of our website)
  • Carefully planned opportunities for retrieval of prior learning are built into each lesson.
  • Children are given the opportunity to practice pronunciation at the beginning of each session
  • Children are exposed to and expected to develop the other disciplines of learning a language (listening, speaking, reading and vocabulary development including writing) across a lesson and across a series of lessons
  • Teachers make the skill being utilised in each lesson explicit to children and they understand the significance of this.


  • Children will be able to confidently use the different skills being taught to communicate effectively in another language
  • Children will be excited and ready to continue their language learning at high school

Pronunciation (pronunciar)

Listening (escuchar)

Speaking (hablar)

Reading (leer)

Vocabulary (vocabulario)

Children will become used to the following symbols (above) which will guide children through the activities that they complete as they learn.