Planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here
Our vision: Geography in Seacroft Grange Primary will develop our pupils' curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. They will understand that geography is about comprehending the complexity of our world and appreciating the diversity of cultures and the physical and human structures that exist across continents.
· We aim to provide a well-sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum that ensures progression in geographical knowledge and skills.
· Children will have a good understanding of place/location knowledge, thereby instilling a curiosity and fascination about the world and its diverse places.
· Every child at SGPS will develop their map and fieldwork skills which will equip them with the necessary tools to navigate and make sense of the world around them.
· Pupils will learn about the Earth’s key physical processes and how they change over time and impact humans around the world.
· Providing opportunities for pupils to investigate and explore a range of environmental issues, to foster a greater respect and a sense of responsibility for the natural environment.
· Geography leader will ensure that teaching builds upon prior knowledge and that previous steps are secure and understood before moving forward.
· Carefully planned opportunities for retrieval of prior learning are built into the beginning of each lesson.
· New resources and maps to be utilised within the classroom by all teachers.
· Lessons are clearly structured to follow the 6 Gog approach this will be monitored throughout the year.
· Children are engaged in lessons. They can articulate their thoughts and understanding to others.
· Progress can been seen throughout school with clear progression observed as we move through Key Stages with evidence that pupils are building upon previous knowledge taught.
· Pupils demonstrate good mapping and fieldwork skills and can undertake geography projects within a unit.
· Pupils show a keen interest in environmental issues.
· Pupils show respect for different cultures, traditions and perspectives, fostering a sense of global citizenship and responsibility.
· Rigorous monitoring and evaluation will drive the subject forward. This will be driven by the subject lead with a clear and consistent AME.
Each new unit of learning is organised around a knowledge organiser. This provides information on the learning journey, geography skills being used, new vocabulary, vocabulary to recap and visuals to support learning. Teachers will mark against this show whether children have met their learning goals. Below you can see an example knowledge organiser.
At SGPS geography will be split in to 5 strands or skills: locational knowledge, human and physical geography, geographical skills and fieldwork and environmental geography. Over the course of a topic children will cover these five aspects during both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two with the aim to recap and consolidate on previous skills during ‘Do Nows’.
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Environmental Geography | Locational knowledge | Physical Geography | Human Geography | Map and field skills |
Cog 1 – Teachers will expose children to a range of questions which will require children to retrieve knowledge learnt in previous terms and years. Below you can see an example of what this might look like.Teachers create these retrieval tasks using the school retrieval document which outlines key knowledge and a suggested sequence of spaced retrieval. Link to retrieval document is on the main curriculum page and the link is also here |
Cog 2 – Teachers introduce children to the focus question of the day and the geography skill being taught.
Cog 3 – New or key vocabulary is explained to pupils with definition or pictures/illustrations to help.
Cog 4 – Children are provided with a stimulus to encourage scientific discussion around the focus question. This may be in the format of an image, video, concept cartoon or physical object. |