
Planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here




We aim to:

- Deliver an engaging curriculum that helps children develop the skills required to use technology throughout their lives

- Children are provided with guidance and support to develop their understanding of how to stay safe online in the digital world.

- Provide opportunity for children to discover an interest and potential unique talents in computing, build confidence and nurture well-being

- Allow children to be digitally literate and ready for the next stage in their lives

- Support children to retain key skills, knowledge and understanding of what they have been taught

- Children can understand and apply the concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.




We will achieve this through the use of:


-High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individual children. Purple Mash is the primary source of teaching for ICT.

-Each child will complete a minimum of 1hour per week

-the use of computers in a variety of forms; laptops, chrome books and tablets, is a skill that must be taught in order for children to be ready for the future workplace. 

- The ICT leader will ensure that links to previous learning (and future) are clear and children are retaining previous learning and progressing them each lesson.




We know we have achieved our aims:


- Children enjoy computing lessons and are confident to demonstrate and discuss their learning with others.

- Children understand how to be safe online and in the digital world – i.e e-safety and privacy

- Demonstrate a love of technology, resources and APP’s and how to use these within daily life

- Children are prepared for the next stage of their Computing learning and able to apply these computing skills, Children may want to study computing further in their future education.

- Children are taught on a weekly basis so skills can be revisited, retained and built upon.

- Children confidently apply their skills and use devices and software. They can record knowledge and understanding in a range of ways using appropriate software for the task.

Seacroft Grange uses Purple Mash to support its Computing teaching.

Clear links to previous and future learning for each unit of work:                        

An example of a knowledge organiser from Year 3:


Planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here




We aim to:

- Deliver an engaging curriculum that helps children develop the skills required to use technology throughout their lives

- Children are provided with guidance and support to develop their understanding of how to stay safe online in the digital world.

- Provide opportunity for children to discover an interest and potential unique talents in computing, build confidence and nurture well-being

- Allow children to be digitally literate and ready for the next stage in their lives

- Support children to retain key skills, knowledge and understanding of what they have been taught

- Children can understand and apply the concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.




We will achieve this through the use of:


-High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individual children. Purple Mash is the primary source of teaching for ICT.

-Each child will complete a minimum of 1hour per week

-the use of computers in a variety of forms; laptops, chrome books and tablets, is a skill that must be taught in order for children to be ready for the future workplace. 

- The ICT leader will ensure that links to previous learning (and future) are clear and children are retaining previous learning and progressing them each lesson.




We know we have achieved our aims:


- Children enjoy computing lessons and are confident to demonstrate and discuss their learning with others.

- Children understand how to be safe online and in the digital world – i.e e-safety and privacy

- Demonstrate a love of technology, resources and APP’s and how to use these within daily life

- Children are prepared for the next stage of their Computing learning and able to apply these computing skills, Children may want to study computing further in their future education.

- Children are taught on a weekly basis so skills can be revisited, retained and built upon.

- Children confidently apply their skills and use devices and software. They can record knowledge and understanding in a range of ways using appropriate software for the task.

Seacroft Grange uses Purple Mash to support its Computing teaching.

Clear links to previous and future learning for each unit of work:                        

An example of a knowledge organiser from Year 3:


Planning can be found on the Curriculum front page. Please use the menu to navigate to this page. Alternatively - click here




We aim to:

- Deliver an engaging curriculum that helps children develop the skills required to use technology throughout their lives

- Children are provided with guidance and support to develop their understanding of how to stay safe online in the digital world.

- Provide opportunity for children to discover an interest and potential unique talents in computing, build confidence and nurture well-being

- Allow children to be digitally literate and ready for the next stage in their lives

- Support children to retain key skills, knowledge and understanding of what they have been taught

- Children can understand and apply the concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation.




We will achieve this through the use of:


-High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individual children. Purple Mash is the primary source of teaching for ICT.

-Each child will complete a minimum of 1hour per week

-the use of computers in a variety of forms; laptops, chrome books and tablets, is a skill that must be taught in order for children to be ready for the future workplace. 

- The ICT leader will ensure that links to previous learning (and future) are clear and children are retaining previous learning and progressing them each lesson.




We know we have achieved our aims:


- Children enjoy computing lessons and are confident to demonstrate and discuss their learning with others.

- Children understand how to be safe online and in the digital world – i.e e-safety and privacy

- Demonstrate a love of technology, resources and APP’s and how to use these within daily life

- Children are prepared for the next stage of their Computing learning and able to apply these computing skills, Children may want to study computing further in their future education.

- Children are taught on a weekly basis so skills can be revisited, retained and built upon.

- Children confidently apply their skills and use devices and software. They can record knowledge and understanding in a range of ways using appropriate software for the task.

Seacroft Grange uses Purple Mash to support its Computing teaching.

Clear links to previous and future learning for each unit of work:                        

An example of a knowledge organiser from Year 3: