Seacroft Grange Primary School
Moresdale Lane
LS14 6JR
Telephone and Fax: 0113 260 5385
General queries:
Headteacher: Mr Chris Florey
SENDCo: Ms Diana Johnson. Please use Information Pages to find the information you need or contact the office (details above) should you wish to discuss something specific with the SENDCo.
If you want to contact the Chair of Governors, Richard Selfridge, you can do so via the school office.
Should you require a paper copy of any part of this website then please contact school who will be happy to provide this for you.
You can contact individual members of staff using the Contact your teacher section of the children's pages
Emergency closures e.g. due to snow will be announced via Marvellous Me/Tapestry and also logged with Leeds City Council. You can find out about this by clicking here