Seacroft Grange is proud to be a Good school (Ofsted, February 2020)

Investing in GOLD standard

We want the best for and best from everyone in our learning community

"The school’s gold standard runs like a thread throughout all aspects of school life." 

"Pupils aspire to be gold in everything they do. They know their teachers expect them to work hard and behave well"

"Children say that they know their teachers care for them" (Ofsted, February 2020)

Seacroft Grange is a member of the Leeds East Primary Partnership Trust

Welcome to our school. 

The COVID pandemic continues to impact on our lives and we will continue to do all that we can, following all the latest advice, to keep our school community safe.  To find out more about our response to COVID please click here

I am extremely proud of the children, staff and community at Seacroft Grange. I'm proud for many reasons and I'm particularly proud of our Ofsted inspection in February 2020. Well done children, teachers and parents for making this possible. 

Our school is a special place that loves and cares deeply about its children, staff and community. We encourage all to shine!

I hope our website provides you with all the information you need. should you require anything else then please don't hesitate to contact us.

Click here to find out more about what the Headteacher has to say about our school's values, ethos and priorities.

Chris Florey (Headteacher)

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