Welcome to our school

I am extremely proud of the children, staff and community at Seacroft Grange. Our classrooms, books, twitter account, conversations with children, staff and parents and community all showcase how beautifully GOLD our school is. We work extremely hard to ensure our children receive the best start to their educational lives and the vision and values that underpin all that we do are shown below. Staff, pupil and parent surveys show that our school is a GOLD standard place to work, attend and a fantastic learning community of which to be a part.


Investing in GOLD standard

Gold is precious, it has high value, the world’s economies are based around it. Gold is associated with investment. Everything we do as a school is investing in our learning community ensuring that we shine. Our time, energy, effort and money is all invested to ensure our children receive the best possible education and an education that they deserve. It is not an aim but a minimum expectation - each and every day.


We have 8 GOLDEN rules to help us SHINE. These are SOCIAL rules for life (for EVERYONE in our learning community):

  • We choose our words carefully so that we show respect for each other
  • We listen to each other so that we get things right
  • We keep safe hands and feet so that we do not hurt ourselves or other people
  • We make our problems smaller not bigger so that we can sort them out quickly and feel happy again
  • We work hard and achieve GOLD standard so that we can be proud of ourselves and our work
  • We look after our school so that we have a GOLD standard place to work
  • We focus not fuss so that we own our own behaviour
  • We are in the right place at the right time so that we are safe and secure. 

We want the best for and the best from everyone in our learning community

This applies to everyone:

  • We will give our children the best possible education and we expect them to work hard and behave well
  • We will give our staff all the support they need and expect them to work hard for our children
  • We will give parents and carers all the support we can and we expect them to support us to support their children.

Check out all the fantastic goings-on at our wonderful school by checking out our Twitter feeds.

You should be able to find all the information you need on this website. If you can't then please click the contact us button at the top of the screen and get in touch and we'll do all we can

84 experience promise

Our children need to have experiences which they can talk about, write about and remember throughout their lives. Some of our children have limited experiences to allow them to do this and as such we make sure we provide these through our 84 experience promise. This consists of one class-based experience and one whole-school experience each half term from when children enter Reception to leaving Year 6 - 84 in total. These have ranged from theme days, author visits, theatre performances to day trips to the seaside as a whole school (in the rain!).  All of them magical. These are the drivers of our curriculum offer.

LEAP-ing to GOLD with PACE

Our school is an extremely special place. The pieces of information (above) give you a broad overview of what our school vision and values are. You wouldn't have to spend a long time in our school to hear about some of these things. We know that we need to continue to work hard to ensure all children make the best progress they can and raise attainment in all year groups. We're doing that by focussing on 4 key elements - this is summarised by the acronym; LEAP. We are LEAP-ing to GOLD.

Our key foci for further improvement are: Leadership (at all levels); Excellence in attainment, Attendance and Progress.

We are doing this with PACE. 

Developing PRECISION in the way that we work

Being AMBITIOUS  in our actions

Ensuring CURRICULUM is at the heart of our decision marking

ELEVATING already good practice to be even better


Mr Chris Florey


Welcome to our school

I am extremely proud of the children, staff and community at Seacroft Grange. Our classrooms, books, twitter account, conversations with children, staff and parents and community all showcase how beautifully GOLD our school is. We work extremely hard to ensure our children receive the best start to their educational lives and the vision and values that underpin all that we do are shown below. Staff, pupil and parent surveys show that our school is a GOLD standard place to work, attend and a fantastic learning community of which to be a part.


Investing in GOLD standard

Gold is precious, it has high value, the world’s economies are based around it. Gold is associated with investment. Everything we do as a school is investing in our learning community ensuring that we shine. Our time, energy, effort and money is all invested to ensure our children receive the best possible education and an education that they deserve. It is not an aim but a minimum expectation - each and every day.


We have 8 GOLDEN rules to help us SHINE. These are SOCIAL rules for life (for EVERYONE in our learning community):

  • We choose our words carefully so that we show respect for each other
  • We listen to each other so that we get things right
  • We keep safe hands and feet so that we do not hurt ourselves or other people
  • We make our problems smaller not bigger so that we can sort them out quickly and feel happy again
  • We work hard and achieve GOLD standard so that we can be proud of ourselves and our work
  • We look after our school so that we have a GOLD standard place to work
  • We focus not fuss so that we own our own behaviour
  • We are in the right place at the right time so that we are safe and secure. 

We want the best for and the best from everyone in our learning community

This applies to everyone:

  • We will give our children the best possible education and we expect them to work hard and behave well
  • We will give our staff all the support they need and expect them to work hard for our children
  • We will give parents and carers all the support we can and we expect them to support us to support their children.

Check out all the fantastic goings-on at our wonderful school by checking out our Twitter feeds.

You should be able to find all the information you need on this website. If you can't then please click the contact us button at the top of the screen and get in touch and we'll do all we can

84 experience promise

Our children need to have experiences which they can talk about, write about and remember throughout their lives. Some of our children have limited experiences to allow them to do this and as such we make sure we provide these through our 84 experience promise. This consists of one class-based experience and one whole-school experience each half term from when children enter Reception to leaving Year 6 - 84 in total. These have ranged from theme days, author visits, theatre performances to day trips to the seaside as a whole school (in the rain!).  All of them magical. These are the drivers of our curriculum offer.

LEAP-ing to GOLD with PACE

Our school is an extremely special place. The pieces of information (above) give you a broad overview of what our school vision and values are. You wouldn't have to spend a long time in our school to hear about some of these things. We know that we need to continue to work hard to ensure all children make the best progress they can and raise attainment in all year groups. We're doing that by focussing on 4 key elements - this is summarised by the acronym; LEAP. We are LEAP-ing to GOLD.

Our key foci for further improvement are: Leadership (at all levels); Excellence in attainment, Attendance and Progress.

We are doing this with PACE. 

Developing PRECISION in the way that we work

Being AMBITIOUS  in our actions

Ensuring CURRICULUM is at the heart of our decision marking

ELEVATING already good practice to be even better


Mr Chris Florey
